• hILLSIDE yOUNG aDULTS - November 6th to 13th

    Hillside has been partnered with Sea of Hope Ministries and has ever since sent down a number of teams to Saint Lucia. This November, they'll be sending down a team of young adults for DNOW! (Discipleship Now) on the 8th and 9th for a weekend filled with lots of fun, games and fellowship!


  • Family mission trip - March 12th to 19th

    Our family mission trips began in 2024, and on these trips, families are given the opportunities to serve in Saint Lucia and learn about the country's culture. On these trips, families are able to do community outreaches (where they can hand out blessing bags and pray with the communities) and serve in the church ministries at Sea of Hope Bible Church, including but not limited to the Kids Ministry and the Youth Ministry.

    In March of 2025, we will be accepting another team of families! Are you wanting to be a part of that?

    Click here for more information!

  • North Point - May 20th to 27th

    North is sending down their second mission team next year in May! We partnered with North Point since 2023 and received our first team of 6 May 2024! The team were able to do a handful of serving, including community outreach and worshipping with our youths on Friday.

    Click here to sign up!

  • Eagles View Church - June 4th to 11th

    EVC has been partnered with Sea of Hope since 2022 and have sent down a couple of teams ever since. In June 2025, we'll be receiving our third mission team. The team will have the same opportunities as the other mission trips; community outreach, serving the church ministries, teaching bible lessons at the Anse La Raye Primary School, and more.

    This trip is FULL!